Succoth & Bethlehem Church Spring Family Retreat
Location: Faholo Conference Center, 3000 Mt Hope Rd, Grass Lake, MI 49240
Dates: Memorial Day Weekend Saturday, May 28th, 10:30 AM thru Monday, May 30th, 2 PM

Registration - Boarding - Lodging free of Cost to attendees
Sat, May 28th - Meetings - Morning 10:30 AM| Afternoon 2 PM | Evening 7 PM
Sun, May 29th - Worship Service - Morning 9:30 AM | Baptisms Afternoon 2 PM | Evening 7 PM Meeting
Mon, May 30th - Meeting - Morning 10 AM | Afternoon Close with Lunch
Theme: Unlimited Strength
“And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, “Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His [own] right hand in the heavenly [places],” Ephesians 1:19-20 AMPC
With great expectations we gather together for our 2nd Spring Family Retreat, at the FaHoLo Camp & Conference Center in Grass Lake, MI. The retreat starts from 10:30 AM on Saturday, May 28th.
Rooms: We have accomodation in hotel style rooms with a combination of 1 Queen bed and additionally 2 or 4 bunk beds, linens and towels included. Each room also has an attached bath. Just bring your paste and brush and your Bible.
Food: All meals starting from lunch on Saturday thru lunch on Monday are provided at the retreat center. The food is all american so feel free to bring some chutneys if you need the hot and spice in it. We have early supper (dinner) so bring fruits or snacks to share with others in the nights after the meetings during hangout and fellowship time.
Meetings: All you will be shared with meeting agenda online or when you get there. First meeting starts at 10:30 AM on Saturday where the theme for the Retreat will be introduced. We will have Samuel David G Pastor of The Father's House, Vijayawada, AP, India to minister the word for us during prime time meetings. He is bilingual and fluent in both English & Telugu and we will have earphones for parallel translation as needed.
Sunday Service: This will be on May 29th at 9:30 AM. So there will not be a sunday service in Farmington Hills or Ann Arbor.
YouTube link will be shared for the sunday service only.
Water Baptism: Sunday, May 29th afternoon @ Retreat
Look forward to seeing you all. Come on time, fellowship together and be blessed.